Hasidim in Uman

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Могила цадика Рабби Нахмана (Брацлавского) в Умани

The annual pilgrimage of Hasidim to Uman in Cherkassy region is expected this year on October 2-4. All tourists who planned to visit the famous Sophia Park", it is better to refrain from trips to Uman. The Hasidim to celebrate this year 5777 in the New year and start to arrive 4-5 days before the beginning of the celebration. Usually, the number of pilgrims at this time exceeds 30 thousand persons that much relocating a small Ukrainian town. The massive influx of Hasidim associated with the Uman grave of Rabbi of Rabbi Nahman (of Bratslav) and desire them at least once in your life to celebrate the New year at his grave.

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