Black Swan

с 28-11-2013 по 28-11-2013
Тип события: 
Театральное представление
Запорожье, г. Запорожье, бул. Шевченко, 1
Цена билета: 
«Black Swan» large - scale ballet, named in honor of one of the main participants of the performance - black ballerina Katie Фетла from Johannesburg. She will be responsible for the apotheosis of the action - implementation of the canonical thumbnails Mikhail Fokin «The dying Swan» (which was one of the main rooms of Anna Pavlova) to music by Camille Saint-Saens.
In addition Фетла classic and modern samples of the art of ballet, which will be submitted to the audience in two blocks, will perform five soloists of Russian theaters. In addition, the dance numbers are framed with various special effects and video projections. Setting has no direct connection with the extremely popular film by Darren Aronofsky, although, of course, looks back on his success. 

Translated service «Yandeks.perevod»

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