New-York all Stars Quartet

с 03-12-2013 по 03-12-2013
Тип события: 
проспект 50 лет Октября, 33
Цена билета: 
Jazz concert. Jazzmen of new York will act in Kremenchug. In the framework of the tour the tour in Kremenchug for the first time will Quartet of jazz musicians from new York (USA).
The first concert of the tour will take place actually in the band's hometown in new York. In a concert will be presented original tracks from the new album band-leader of the Quartet Arch ovrutsk «44.33», and also jazz melodies.
Kremenchug will be the third Ukrainian city, which will host the following musicians:
  • Joel Holmes (Joel Holmes) - piano;
  • Arc Овруцкий (Ark Ovrutski) - double bass;
  • Michael Thomas) - saxophones;
  • Jason brown (Jason Brown) - drums
But American musicians in a concert will take part jazz band Apple Jam in the Moscow pianist Stas Legend. 

Translated service «Yandeks.perevod»

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