
According to the Minister of transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov, during the summer period for delivery in Crimea tourists expected to actively use sea transport, which is particularly important taking into account the plans of Ukraine...

The Ukrainian Ministry of foreign Affairs was instructed to introduce visa regime with the Russian Federation, informed the Secretary of national security and defense of Ukraine Andrey paruby at a briefing following the meeting of the NSDC.,,

Воссоединение Крыма с Россией может привести к частичному ограничению на прилет воздушных судов в аэропорт Симферополя.

Крым может быть включен в российскую программу субсидирования региональных перевозок, на которую в 2014 году будет направлено 3,58 миллиарда рублей.«Прорабатываем вопрос с министерством транспорта о субсидировании авиаперевозок в Крым по образцу дальневосточных перелетов - чтобы билет в Симферопо

The Kiev Center for contemporary art M17 took place the opening of an unusual exhibition, which is entirely devoted to recent events on the Maidan, led the country to change the government.


The Association of small hotels Crimea will offer a discount in the amount of 25%. About it on air of the program «Open policy» STRC «Crimea» said the Chairman of the Association ...
