On 18 June, the people of Kiev will go to work by bike

Населенный пункт: 
June 18, in Kiev in the framework of the sustainable energy Week will host the "bike to work". The aim of the campaign is to show that Cycling is a convenient and environmentally friendly transport, as well as a great alternative to cars and public transport.
This year the campaign "bike to work" will be held for the third time. Organizers invite all residents of the capital to unite the districts and to organize their colleagues — and to ride a Bicycle to work together.
From 8:00 to 9:30 a meeting is planned for columns and Amateur cyclists from different parts of the city on the Maidan. It will be possible not only to communicate in a friendly company of like-minded people, but also be supported by environmental and energy-saving velasina and coffee made on the solar concentrator. After that, the participants will go to work.
To participate in the action, everyone can. To do this, complete the online form. After registration you will receive by email the detailed information on the stock.
Activities aimed at improving energy efficiency and using renewable energy are held annually in late June in all countries of Europe.
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