The cinema "October" will open on October 18

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Kyiv cinema "October" will be opened after the reconstruction next week, the 18th of October. The Director of the cinema Lyudmila Gordeladze in the comments confirmed that "October" will be ready to accept visitors in the period.
“I'm there six times a day and I assure you that the cinema will be open on time. Invite everyone to the opening, will be the Ukrainian premiere of the film, however, I can't say what it was", said Gordeladze.
At the same time, the activist of public organization "Rescue "October" Sergei Shchelkunov expresses concern that the repair will not be completed on time."The Kiev government just wants to be advertized on it. There will be a premiere of the Ukrainian film, but what happens next is unclear. This is exactly analogous to the situation with the project "Postal square" - solid show-off," says click Beetles.
The Gordeladze said that the dissemination of disrupting the timing of reconstruction interested "other candidate". Obviously, we are talking about one of the political opponents of the mayor Klitschko. (Indeed, Mr. Shchelkunov admitted to the correspondent that cooperates with the candidate from the party of "DILL"). In any case, the Director of the theater says that it will begin its work on the 18th.
We will remind, last year the cinema "October" was set on fire by two students who explained the act to that wanted to disrupt the screening of the film on LGBT topics. After the rally at city administration the government has allocated a total of 53 million hryvnias on reconstruction of the cinema. Arsonists received conditional term for hooliganism.
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