The entrance to the zoo near Kiev will cost the family 600 USD

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Saturday near Kiev opened a rival to the Kiev zoo. The private zoo "12 months" in the village Demidov three times more expensive than the capital, the collection is less, and to get to it longer and less convenient. But despite this, the opening day from the visitors, there was no end — here you can touch the animals and feed, dine at the Neuschwanstein castle, and to see the aardvark, a glutton and a red wolf.
Parking in front of the zoo was completely crowded, simultaneously stood two hundred cars, and at the cash register we caught all people from 40. A ticket to the zoo costs 150 UAH for adults and RS 50 for children, only for kids up to three years old are free. For comparison, prices in the capital's menagerie: 50 and 20 USD respectively, plus 50% discount for seniors and students, free admission for children up to 5 years. For many, this difference is significant. "150 UAH per ticket is somehow expensive. We were a family of six — four adults and two children six and two years. In the end, to look at animals will cost us 650 UAH. It's expensive for us," shares with the "West" Kiev Anton Rumyantsev.
The area of the zoo two times less capital — 16 ha. just beyond the turnstile we were greeted by peacocks and owls, and in open enclosures important strolled wolves, who willingly posed literally a meter away from the visitors. To feed the animals through a special tube, mounted in the wall of the enclosure. It costs 20 USD. But dinners each strictly according to the schedule specified in the checkout area, and supervised employees. The cells are arranged so that their inhabitants very close to people that liked visitors.
"Very cozy zoo, everything is clean, the animals groomed. And Rhino is generally similar to a pet," says the us of Kiev Sergey Poker. However, unlike the Kiev zoo, there still is little vegetation — birch and catalona groves is still too young, a feeling of a wasteland. Even the grass on his lawn had not fully germinate. Special attention of visitors was caused by the cages with the primates, which are behind glass, just inches from visitors, where, incidentally, it is also possible to take a picture in a cell.
In "12 months" you can eat that is important, if you go for the whole day. The price for Kiev, medium: on the Central square you can buy a hot dog for 30 UAH and drink coffee for 15 USD, and the price of ice cream will start from 10 USD. In the restaurant, which looks like a castle from Disney cartoons, the average price of meals, for example, the popular Bavarian sausages here — 30 UAH, a glass of beer — 25 UAH. Large pizza is 260 UAH UAH 50-100 more expensive than in Kiev. From rides in 12 months refused don't want to spook Pets. But have built a large Playground where you can climb the ropes, swings and go down the slide.
In the zoo they say that not all the animals could come in time for the opening. Don't have a giraffe, polar bear, elephant. "Collection of animals will still be updated. For example, with a giraffe you have any difficulty, since European zoos are reluctant to allow Pets to troubled countries," said us Director of marketing for the zoo "12 months" Nina Saad. By the way, in the future, the zoo plans to build even pinguinii. As for the prices, the "12 months" assure that the animal was comfortable, less to take with visitors will not work.
In the Kiev zoo, assure that competition is not afraid. "You can't compare Kiev zoo, and that is two different projects. Now we are actively working on innovations for the convenience of our visitors," said us Director of the Moscow zoo Cyril Trantin. Here are preparing to update the stands in animals and launch a mobile application through which you can check in the cage. On the first Wednesday of the month for mothers of large families have the opportunity to drive their children there, buying tickets for 5 hryvnias, and on the last Monday of each quarter owners "card from Kiev" will be able to visit the zoo for free.
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