Halloween was not celebrated very widely, at least large - scale campaigns and carnivals were not. But all the kids walked the streets late and scared each other with Ghost stories in the form of a lit candle inside the pumpkin with the strange cutouts like the head of an unknown monster. And something else worn on the head pumpkin with cutouts, and in his mouth held teeth smoldering shell of a walnut. When exhaling through the mouth it radiated a faint light inside the "head" - it was scary! So the statement that celebrate Halloween in Ukraine "recently" - not true, it is an ancient Ukrainian holiday that celebrates the end of the autumn harvest, because the pumpkin is cleaned almost last.
Today it is an open tradition of celebrating the autumn holiday Halloween. Across all Ukraine the festive mood. This is especially noticeable in places of entertainment, restaurants, public places and shops business, nicely captures the mood of a potential buyer.
Autumn festival - a celebration of second harvest and harvest, these holidays are particularly relevant to countries with developed claspknife economy and is celebrated with great joy. Color orange pumpkins and emitted light symbolizes the autumn mood good harvest, dark colors - death and the darkness of the night, hence the costumes are really scary and good horror stories.
The celebration takes place on the night of 31 October to 1 November and coincides with the Orthodox holiday on November 1 - all saints Day, which is celebrated since the ninth century.

The History Of Halloween
Halloween comes from the ancient Celtic harvest holiday and day of the dead. The tradition originated over 2000 years ago. The ancient Celts lived on the territory of modern Britain, has divided the year into two parts – light and dark (summer and winter). And when the dark part of the changed light (at the end of October), the Celts started noisy celebrations – Samhain. The traditional colours of Halloween are black, which symbolizes death and darkness of the night, and orange – a symbol of harvest this year.
In the US, Halloween was brought by immigrants from Britain in the late twentieth century. Today massively in the world this day is celebrated in the UK, Ireland, USA and Canada. In the United States being a Federal holiday, Halloween is second only that to Christmas in popularity.
Halloween Traditions
Halloween has many interesting traditions, passed to year. Children dress up in scary costumes and walk around the neighborhood begging for candy. Well known phrase from the American films: "trick or treat!".
Today, the tradition of dressing in scary costumes and adults took. Scary makeup, Ghost costume or some kind of monster, and even better, that the clothes were more "blood", a spooky voice and you're ready to party on Halloween! By the way, a holiday in Ukraine has become so popular, that Halloween party suit almost every Ukrainian restaurant.
Halloween also decorate their houses with pumpkins, faux cobwebs and other themed decorations. In such a terrible atmosphere, telling scary stories and watching horror movies.
A special tradition is the carving of Jack-o-lanterns on Halloween. According to legend, an Irish blacksmith named Jack was able twice to cheat the devil and take his promise to abandon the assault on his soul. This protected the Koval from falling after death into hell, but in Paradise he did not and was forced to wander the earth waiting for judgment day. Your way Jack was covered with a piece of coal, which was hiding from the weather inside the empty pumpkin. English pumpkin with a candle inside is called Jack-o-Lantern, which means "the lamp of Jack".
What to do on Halloween 2018:
House or apartment need to decorate amulets. Best of all, if it's nuts or candles. It is to be placed near the Windows and throw on the corners. But the most important – pumpkin with a lit candle inside, which should be placed in front of the door!
On the night of November 1, should also pay attention to what was not paid attention before. If you notice a spider it means that the room is Ghost Ghost. To get rid of it, walk around the house with lit candles. So you clean the room. At the same time to kill the spider in any case, it is better to place it outside.
There is a belief that on this night you can learn their fate. To do this, go to the crossroads and listen to the wind. If you're very careful, you'll hear predictions for the next year.
On Halloween be sure to go to the neighbors in search of snacks! On this night the dead come back and roam around the places where he spent most of his life, in search of warmth and food. And the more alive will be like the dead and the calmer people will react to the guests, the more happy will be spirits. If you manage to please them – they will be very grateful. It should be noted that in this night people often visit a fateful Epiphany.
Also, this is the perfect night for divination, calling spirits, trance and talk about death. On Halloween, everyone has the chance to hear the voices from the other world, contact with the dead and to obtain information which is not available on other days. On this night, no one says "it's all your imagination", "this can't be happening", "don't be silly"...
What not to do on Halloween 2018:
On Halloween in any case are not allowed on the threshold of a black cat. It is believed that this may be the spirit of your detractors.
This night you can not leave things to dry on the rope. It is believed that after sunset they inhabit otherworldly forces, and the person who then wears these things will bring unhappiness to themselves and others.
You can't leave open Windows and doors. Otherwise, you can self-fulfilling prophecy.
This evening you can't refuse those who ask. According to legend, in the person of the poor might come up to house the soul of the deceased native, or other, less friendly spirit.
Also, if you hear steps behind you on Halloween night, don't look, because you can go dead. And that doesn't Bode well.
For Halloween, you can observe the different attitudes: someone calls the occasion a "stranger", somebody complains about the risk of imitation of evil spirits, and someone looking forward to the night you can transform into a vampire or a zombie.
With a holiday!
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