In Kiev, archaeologists found a whole street of ancient Kiev XI-XIII century.

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In Kiev during excavations at the Postal square archaeologists have found a whole street of Kievan Rus. This was told by one of the witnesses of this event, which does not want to give his name, so as not to harm the archaeologists.
This place will be built a shopping centre. By law, before construction must be carried out excavations. Archaeologists began excavations, and under the top layer (Marina 18-19 century) found old stockades and blockhouses, which, according to scientists, is a street of Ancient Kiev 11-13 century.
Archaeologists suggest that near can be preserved at home. However, they fear that the developer will not abandon the intention to construct a shopping centre, and 1 March (when the plan ends excavation and construction begins) discovery can pour concrete. This is evidenced by the fact that information was not disclosed to comment on his behalf archaeologists are.

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