Most diggers have found the amber gold of Polubotok

On Thursday, 31 March, near the urban-type settlement of Zhytomyr region Rokytne illegal diggers amber found the so-called " treasure of the Ukrainian Hetman Pavlo Polubotok.
About this informed the head of regional administration Evgenie Kornienko.
According to him, the team that worked in the tank with the pump, came across a box of promoline wood. Diggers initially took the discovery for the trash, but when I smashed the boards, I realized that the find is valuable.
Inside the box was a chest, wrapped in several layers cowhide. Inside the chest of a man found 217 paper bills with the date 1703, with a few old cards, correspondence, ring, 71 Royal gold coin and print.
"The addressees and the content of the letters that were in the chest, indicate that the stash belonged to Ukrainian Hetman Paul Polubotok. The proof is also a seal with the coat of arms of Hetman. Most likely, Polubotok or someone from his entourage, during a visit to England some of the treasures left in the cache. To take the property failed, because in November, 1723, he was arrested and spent the rest of his life in the fortress," - commented on the finding the Director of the historical Museum of Zhitomir Stepan Ugrinsky.
The scientist also added that the cost of the bills from the chest, if adjusted for inflation, is at present about 140 million hryvnias.
"Whether this find the legendary treasure of Polubotok, which often love to reminisce historians and archaeologists, it is difficult to say. More information can get when you carry out all the necessary expertise," added Ugrinsky.
It should be noted that the diggers of amber agreed to give the discovery to the state without compensation. The only condition was to request the regional Council to give the diggers licenses for legal production of amber in Zhytomyr region.
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