New trends of the financial market and how it will affect travelers

Will not necessarily take gogogo the cash bags:

Two main trends of the financial market — the rejection of plastic cards, cash and mobile applications. The strategy of the national Bank says that the share of cashless payments in a few years to grow 2 times and occupy more than half of total payments.
This is stated in the material Realist'a.
Limiting the maximum cash payments, the rise in prices of transactions with cash — part of monetary policy. On the one hand, the non-cash economy allows to reduce the share of "shadow" as electronic transfers can always be traced and checked. Cash "feed" corruption, drug trafficking, etc.
On the other hand, place the plastic cards are gradually mobile phones. Dozens of Central banks around the world have advocated the development of payments through apps. In Ukraine, several commercial banks have also opened to its customers the opportunity to pay for purchases via mobile phone.
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