Salvation Humorina: April fool Odessa began Komediada, the festival of clowns and mimes

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For the second year in a row for security purposes, decided to abolish the traditional April fool Humorina as massive, crowded festival held annually in Odessa. However, it is not canceled completely: for his fans is already the fifth festival of clowns and mimes - Komediada.
The festival began with the solemn meeting in the House of clowns on Olgievskaya, where the participants adopted an appeal to the UN General Assembly. Clowns from all over Ukraine, pradopo after the meeting of the clowns with the orchestra of the naval forces of Ukraine came to the monument of Duke, where he held master classes for everyone. Later they went on Dumskaya square, to participate in the overall picture.
The next item was the visit to the garden City: a festival participants amused passers-by, and then went on annual holiday lunch. To this end, a representative portion of Comedity. Then the festival continues with performances in the House of clowns.lived establish a world day clown 1 April and began to collect signatures for it.

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