Today Ukraine celebrates mother's Day

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Today, may 10, in Ukraine celebrate mother's Day.
This international holiday was first established officially by Congress may 8, 1914. After the First world war, this holiday is now celebrated in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Czechoslovakia.
In Ukraine, mother's Day is officially celebrated since 2000, the second Sunday in may.
Mother's day in USA wprse was supported by the famous American pacifist Julia ward Howe in 1872. "Mother's day", according to J. Ward, – the day of unity of mothers in the fight for world peace. However, the concept j. Ward did not find support neither in the USA nor in other countries.
In 1907, the American Anna Jarvis from Philadelphia took the initiative of honoring mothers in memory of their mother. She wrote letters to government agencies, legislative bodies and prominent people with the offer one day a year to dedicate to honoring mothers. In 1910 Virginia first recognized mother's Day an official holiday. In 1914, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in may a national holiday in honor of all American mothers.
After the U.S. second Sunday in may was declared a public holiday 23 countries. In addition, more than 30 countries celebrate it on other days.
Today all mothers with a holiday already congratulated the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on his page on Twitter.

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