Visa-free regime of Ukraine with the countries of the Schengen area is valid for exactly two years – from June 11, 2017. During this time nearly 9 million Ukrainian citizens received biometric passports. But use it for crossing the state border only a third.
15 million Ukrainians have received the biometrics
The number of Ukrainians that receive foreign biometric passports, is constantly growing. Such a conclusion can be drawn from the analysis of the statistics published on the website of the State migration service.
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Within two years of besso 11 June 2017 and 11 June 2019 9 million Ukrainians have received a biometric passport. If we consider all the time, for which the Ukrainians see the possibility of registration of such document (January 2015) – the biometrics received as many as 15 million citizens of Ukraine.
How biometric passports issued each year? • 2014: the passport of the old sample received 1 million 700 thousand citizens.
• 2015: overall, the passport has received 1 million 856 thousand Ukrainians, among them biometric – almost 750 thousand.
• 2016: 2 million 300 thousand people have already received a biometric passport.
• 2017: Approximately 3 million – with biometrics.
• 2018: the first fully visa-free year issued a record number of passports over 5 million.
• 2019: There are only data for the first quarter – biometrics has received a little less than a million people.
Where you can go without a visa: infographics 24 channel
43 million times the Ukrainians crossed the border with the EU
Statistics show that over the two years of existence Bessa have used nearly 3 million Ukrainians. In particular, in 2017 there were 560 thousand, and that in 2018 – as many as 2 million 350 thousand. In General, the citizens of Ukraine 42 million 600 thousand times traveled to the EU for the duration of a visa-free regime.
What other famous interesting facts about Betws? ► June 11, 2017, 9 million 200 thousand citizens of Ukraine crossed the border of Ukraine with biometric passports (includes travel to all countries of the world).
► Of the three million people who have used Bessa with the EU, one million crossed the border by plane, and 500 – sea transport.
► The most popular country was Poland: a million Ukrainians for the first time crossed the border with the EU, traveling there. Hungary, Romania and Slovakia "competing" for second place.
Where you can easily get a visa upon arrival: infographics 24 channel
11 may 2017 the Council of the European Union adopted a decision on the abolition of visas for short trips for citizens of Ukraine. Exactly a month later, on June 11, Bezus earned. However, in order to use it you need to have a biometric passport.
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