Ukraine is ready to fully close the border with Russia

Дом Правительства Украины
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Дом Правительства Украины

Ukraine can in a very short time to fully close the border with the Russian Federation, what Daniel said to the press Lubkivsky, Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

In the course ended in Kyiv press conference the Deputy head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs stated that at the moment the Ukrainian government has all the necessary tools and means for full closing of the border between Ukraine and Russia.

Lubkivsky noted that Ukraine hopes that the conflict will be resolved peacefully, but in the case of direct military intervention by Russia, the Minister stated, the Ukrainian armed forces will act accordingly.

He said that at present in the South and East of Ukraine the situation is quite tense. He added that Ukraine warns Russia "not to break the red line", and also to stop provocations and take their agents.

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