The weather on Wednesday: sleet with rain and foggy

On Wednesday, January 21, in Ukraine is expected, light sleet with rain. Reported by the weather center.
In particular, in Ukraine they forecast cloudy weather, light sleet with rain, sleet slush on the roads, ice slick in places, and Eastern wind of 5-10 m/s air Temperature during the day is about 0 degrees.
For Western Ukraine they forecast cloudy weather, light sleet with rain at night and in the morning fog in places, on the roads, ice slick in places, and southeastern wind of 5-10 m/C. night Temperature of -2...+3 C, and at -1...+7 degrees. In the Carpathians, light sleet with rain in night temperature of -2...+3 C, and at -1...+4 C, write Ukrainian news.
For Northern Ukraine they forecast cloudy weather, light sleet with rain at night in Chernihiv and Sumy regions is moderate, mostly ice, sleet slush on the roads, ice slick in places, and Eastern wind of 5-10 m/s air Temperature during the day -2...+3 C at night in Chernihiv and Sumy regions to -5 degrees.
For Central Ukraine they forecast cloudy weather, light sleet with rain at night and in the morning fog in places, on the roads, ice slick in places, and Eastern wind of 5-10 m/s air Temperature during the day -2...+4 degrees.
For Eastern Ukraine they forecast cloudy weather, light sleet with rain in the Kharkiv region is temperate, night and morning fog in places, ice, sleet slush on the roads, ice slick in places, and Eastern wind of 7-12 m/s air Temperature during the day -2...+3 C in the daytime.
For southern Ukraine they forecast cloudy weather, rain, night and morning fog in places, and Eastern wind of 5-10 m/C. night Temperature of -2...+3 C, and at +1...+7 degrees.
Crimea will have cloudy weather, light rain at night and in the morning fog in places, and Eastern wind of 5-10 m/s air Temperature will stand at +3...+8 degrees, and at +8...+13 degrees. For Yalta they forecast light rain. Temperature will stand at +6...+8 degrees, and at +10...+12 degrees.

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