1. Scientific library of Lviv national University of Ivan Franko was founded in 1608 as a teaching library school at the Jesuit College. Without a doubt, it is the oldest library of Ukraine is working today.
2. Among the readers of this library was Hetman of Ukraine Bohdan Khmelnytsky, philosopher and Professor Tom Elzanowski, a famous doctor, missionary and botanist Michal Boim, the philosopher Jan Kowalski.
3. In 1704, the library was looted by the Swedes, and in 1734, survived a devastating fire. However, academic library quickly revived and 1784 became the basis of the updated libraries of the University. In 1848, again there was a big fire, during which the possibility to save only 13000 volumes and a part of the manuscript and graphic collections. Today the library has more than 3 million books in 140 languages and dialects of the peoples of the world.

4. In the library's collection includes numerous unique editions and manuscripts. In particular, in the library are books from the personal library of the French cardinal Mazarin, the French king Louis XV, the Polish king Sigismund II, the manuscripts of Ivan Mazepa, the old herbarium in Europe. More than 115 thousand ancient books (books published until 1825), 1869 units cartography (maps from 1511 until 1939), among which the oldest Fund is the map of Ptolemy.
5. 400-year-old unique library was included in the State register of scientific objects constituting national property Fund of manuscripts, early printed and rare books, what is the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from October 21, 2008 (No. 1345-p), on the proposal of the Minister of education and science. A. Vakarchuk.
Someone might reproach – they say, is not the oldest library, the oldest library is the library of Yaroslav the Wise. So, according to the Chronicles, but who saw it?
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