Winter spring meet: February 15, celebrate Candlemas

Church calendar for February 15 to celebrate Candlemas. Celebrate it in the memory of the Holy virgin Mary brought to the Temple in Jerusalem of Jesus Christ on the 40th day after his birth.
The Slavic word "meet" is translated into modern Russian language as "meeting". The meeting is a meeting of humanity in the face of the old man Simeon with God.
In Orthodoxy Candlemas is among the great feasts.
People, February 15, was also considered special. In ancient times, this day was watching the weather from morning till night, and sometimes even wrote it hourly. After all, according to popular notions, February 15, winter meets spring.
Hence many people will:
- What is the weather on Candlemas day, so spring will be.
- At the Meeting of the starry sky - in winter you will not soon start to cry, spring is expected late.
- If the sun before sunset, look out - he spent the last frost, and if not, it will be strong vlasievskii frosts.
On Candlemas drops - the harvest of wheat, and when the Blizzard of bread will not.
- Candlemas snowstorm road perimeter, sweeping food (crop failure).
Bulgarians spoke about the behavior of bears in this day: "bear on the Meeting gets out of the den to see his shadow. If the day is Sunny and the bear sees his shadow, she turns to the other side to continue his dream. This means that another 40 days will be cold.

Translated by the service "Yandex.Translation"

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