Day Shirts

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The holiday "Day of Embroidery" is held in Ukraine this year today - may 19! UNN has gathered information about how you will celebrate this holiday in Kiev.
At 10 o'clock on the Maidan of Independence planned action “the Beautiful Lybid”. Will be dressing in the shirt of the monument Lybid and to the Founders of Kiev on Independence square.
11.00-15.00 — interactive lectures about the history, symbolism and regional characteristics of embroidery. The presentation of the exhibition Darya Sariska “Berehynia” near the metro station “Golden gate”, dedicated to " women's volunteer groups. The event was organized jointly with the Center for folklore and Ethnography of the Institute of Philology of KNU. T. Shevchenko.
May 19 at 12 hours. in Kiev will be the biggest map of Ukraine shirts with an area of one hundred square meters.
Flashmob will hold the Kiev students, which will also demonstrate hand-made clothing, a collection of “military style” of the 25 models. During the event, will work fair and master classes on embroidery. Handmade national symbols and shirts will be donated to children in the ATO area. The address of the event: Novomostitskaya str,10 (the territory of the state Lyceum No. 243).
14 hours in the capital will join the action “Born in the embroidery”. The Minister of justice Pavel Petrenko will be presenting the birth certificate and will give the newborn shirts (hospital No. 5).
For 17 hours, scheduled to run her first feature film about embroidered shirts “Heritage of the nation.” Venue: national Museum of history of Ukraine (vul. Vladimir,2).
Also Kiev residents and guests of the city are encouraged to wear shirts and 18:00 to gather near the bell towers of St. Sophia and St. Michael's Cathedral in order to form a human chain of unity of Ukraine.
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