In Sumy will be the middle of Santa clauses and snow maidens

Населенный пункт: 
Альтанка в Сумах
January 13, will take place in Sumy "Velomaster".
"For the second year in a row on the old New year, our team invites all Santa clauses and snow maidens of the city of Sumy to participate in Melomakarona and arrange Bicycle ride in honor of the end of the Christmas holidays, and to give the residents of our city tale, and a good mood," say the organizers.
Meeting at 20:00 at the Gazebo. Check in will take place on the main streets of the city.
Dress code: 1) the Presence of a Bicycle. 2) Suit (Santa Claus, Santa Claus, snow maiden, Snowman, here is at your discretion. At least the rain or little red riding hood) 3) Excellent mood.

Translated by the service "Yandex.Translation"

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