Carnival 2017 and the beginning of lent

Mardi Gras this year fell in late winter and will last until the end of this week -26 Feb.
"Oil in Ukraine" - we wrote all about this spring the national holiday of Christians and pagans.
Lent begins this spring during carnival, on February 27 and will last until April 15. Lent begins seven weeks before Easter and consists of forty days (Chetyrehchastnaya), and the week before Easter (Holy week).
Chetyrehchastnaya is celebrated in honor of the fact that Jesus Christ fasted in the wilderness for forty days and Holy week – in memory of the life of Christ in the last days of his life, about His crucifixion and resurrection, the Telegraph reports.
Basic foods allowed in a post:
Brown bread, cereal bread;
Mushrooms of various cooking;
Cereals (buckwheat, oats, rice, corn, wheat, barley);
Seasonal vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, cabbage, radish, etc.);
Salted and pickled vegetables, jam from berries and fruits;
Legumes (beans, lentils, peas);
Seasonal fruit (apples, bananas, pomegranate, oranges, etc.);
Dried fruit, nuts, honey;
The fish are allowed to eat twice in the entire post – in the feast of the Annunciation (April 7) and palm Sunday (April 9).
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