In Horishni Swamps Barbara will arrange Skansen

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Горишни Плавни
The artifacts, which are about 2 thousand years, we would like to use in attracting tourists.
On the Peninsula Barbara, in Horishni the Meadowlands (Qty Komsomolsk – about 20 km from Kremenchuk) during archaeological research was found interesting artifacts: wrought iron, fragments of the walls of the blast furnace, fibula (metal buckle decoration for clothes, metal knife, fragments of ceramic ware. It is reported by radio Horishni Floodplains.
The settlement of the Chernyakhov culture dated to the fourth century. This year the expedition will run until mid-August with the participation of 20 first-year students of pedagogical University them.Dragomanov.
The expedition chief researcher of the Department of archaeology of the early Slavs and regional field studies of the Kyiv Institute of archaeology NAS of Ukraine Yuriy Bashkatov. Archaeological research is conducted with the assistance of the city authorities and the leadership of JSC "Poltava GOK".
Since 2001 the Fund of the city history Museum at the expense of finds has replenished with several thousand exhibits, sometimes quite rare. Yuri Bashkatov said that scans the area for the fifth season.
Unique artifacts are planned to be placed in the so-called Skansen - the Museum under the open sky, designed 10 years ago.
The city government hopes that the artifacts will attract tourists historical and cultural heritage of Horishni Floodplains.
"Very interesting findings, which for almost 2,000 years, will become the property of historical and cultural heritage of our city. After all, our tourism industry should be developed, and eventually these unique artifacts will be not only Museum exhibits, but also will be involved in more large-scale cultural projects in the city," said mayor Horishni Floodplains Dmitry Bykov, commenting on the expedition found the materials.
Note that as an example the famous Skansen in Ukraine include national Museum of architecture and life in Pirogovo near Kiev.
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