On the streamlining of public holidays and weekends

Each country has its own calendar of holidays that people celebrate together some days and celebrate the holidays. Ukraine is not an exception. However it is an exception in Europe, because we have a calendar after decades of communism has not improved, so were clear signs of the time. However the content is basically a long emasculated.
Then what can be left and right?
It is a policy we carried out during independence. And despite a quarter of a century saw instantly nearby enemy propaganda makes the holidays the anchor that holds our country in the past.
Therefore it is necessary to restore order in this sphere.
So, to cancel the output, not the celebration of International women's day. Also – the weekend of may 1-2.
Becomes the original on 8 may (the Day of memory and reconciliation, which is celebrated simultaneously with Europe). 9 – the victory Day over Nazism in the Second world war will remain a Public holiday but not a holiday.
We suggest adding the following weekends: March 9-Shevchenko day), family Day (second Monday of September).
The number of output changes from 11 currently to 9. In addition, abolished the practice of transferring the output on Monday, if the holiday falls on a Saturday-Sunday (except New year, Christmas and Easter).
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