Unknown burial in the Far caves of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

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Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

According to the information of members of the National Kyiv-Pechersk historical and cultural reserve, namely the head of sector of archaeology Sergey Balakina and Deputy head of the Department of Yaroslav Litvinenko, during carrying out of repair-restoration works in the underground Church of the Nativity of Christ, that in the Far caves of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, builders unexpectedly it was revealed previously unknown burial in locul.

The landfill is in the southern wall of the temple, at the height of 1.95 m from the modern floor.

Later examination by the archaeologists of the National Kyiv-Pechersk historical-cultural reserve were established the sizes of the sepulchral niches in length and 0.7 m, width - 0.45 m, maximum height of 0.3 m In the cavity loculi were the remains of a human skeleton in panacea order. According to experts this is a sign of reburial.

During the inspection in the burial of recorded fragments of the shoes of the deceased (leather Slippers with lacing) and a fragment of a wicker cross-paramanga. Also in local discovered chip ceramic tiles completely covered with bright green glaze, which pre-dated XVII-XVIII centuries Possible, the tiles in this burial there was a chance, and perhaps it is a fragment of his broken latch.

Found in local disposal has direct analogues in the relevant funeral monuments of Far and Near caves of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. According to researchers, it could be done after 1620

Upon completion of the studies the remains of the burial was returned to lukulu. By assumption archaeologists mentioned disposal hardly a single and therefore further repairs to the temple require constant archaeological supervision.

Translated by service "Yandeks.perevod"

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