What is the right business

Золото України

What is the proper business in Ukraine? Avellana Gold is an international investment company, with experience in the development of mineral deposits in Eastern Europe and many countries around the world, invests in Musievske polymetallic ore deposits in 2016. The total investment in the project – 140 million U.S. dollars. And most importantly, will eliminate the raider attacks - the company said that for the project development Muravskaja deposits of polymetallic ores after the start of production is an important component of the formation of a public company, whose shares are traded on the world markets.

Also important:

- using special technologies dumps on the surface will be cleaned at 85-90%, and closed production cycle allows to reuse 85% of the water for this processing;

- Ukraine will block 100% of its requirements in lead and 50% zinc;

- gold is also in the breed Muravskaja field;

- not only project - processing plant already in action!

In General will process 500 thousand tons of rock per year, and in 2020 will begin construction of a new mine.

Gold reserves of Ukraine:

 Золоті родовища України

Pages: http://www.mukachevo.net/ua/news/view/648405


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