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The price of cars after the abolition of wilsmore: should we expect to reduce them?

After BP has canceled othersbar, consumers expect reduction of prices on imported cars. But should he wait? Or till the Law enters into force, the difference "will eat" the appreciation of the dollar?
Cancel utilization fee should positively affect the costs of new foreign cars. So, for cars with engine from 1 to 2 litres, this tax was 7370 UAH, from 2 to 3 l - 14000 UAH. But remember that earlier deputies raised twice excise duty. In addition, interbank hryvnia rate to dollar grows every day and has already exceeded 12 UAH. At the same time, fierce competition on the Ukrainian car market compels sellers of new cars promptly react to the situation and to establish the most competitive prices for those cars, which they have in stock.
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"In April was 3 tax changes (higher taxes, lower spec. duties and abolition of utilization fee). Each operator will calculate your balance 3-changes. The situation is heterogeneous in different models, which is associated with the uneven changes depending on the volume and type of engine, " commented the changes of the legislation in the "Nissan Motor Ukraine". "On most models rates will fall in the dollar equivalent. In hryvnia equivalent changes will be, but they can be offset by continuing growth of the dollar rate, - says PR-coordinator of "Nissan Motor Ukraine" Vladimir Ivanov.
According to the head of Government "Reno Ukraine" Jan Ptacek, "We plan to reduce the prices for the recycling fees, but the fact that this decrease was only partially offset the increase in prices, which was provoked by the devaluation in the latter days. To the client is not expected new supply vehicles without utilization fee, we provide customers a discount on the recycling fees at the cars that are in the dealer network of Renault. Besides, the company "Reno Ukraine" in the formation of prices on car uses an exchange rate lower than the rate of the NBU, which allows to partially compensate the negative effect of the devaluation of the national currency".
"Cars, cleared by the old rules and the old course we recorded in price, " says marketing specialist Stakhanov carriage works" Oleg Makhno. - We have a very attractive offer for LADA LADA Largus Granta with automatic gearbox.
Importer of Mitsubishi cars trading house "NIKO" have already cut rates since the elimination of utilization fee: "the fact that we played a proactive and lowered the rates on all models even on 7 April, without waiting for legislative changes. On all models, we reduced the price by at least the value of utilization fee and fee reduction. And on key models (ASX 2.0, Outlander, Pajero Wagon) discount far more than the decrease in scrap and duty, says Yaroslav Vovk, the Director of Department of marketing and advertising "NIKO Management".
General Director of "Peugeot Ukraine" Serzh Banse reports that "the prices of the cars that will be imported after the adoption of amendments in the tax legislation, we will revise so that our offer has remained competitive in the market. We have also now has a good inventory of vehicles at very competitive price and other benefits for customers. For example, we have a very interesting terms of lending (0% for 2 years for the whole model range and special offers with the benefit is up to 30,000 UAH".
Domestic producer is also not imply major changes in the market price: "On production and distribution is affected by the market, not an individual regulations or laws, as reported in the press service of the UkrAVTO Corporation. - So the price of cars will vary according to the economic and market situation."
Thus, simultaneous and substantial reduction of prices on imported cars after the abolition of utilization fee will not be. The main criterion pricing today - the hryvnia. Also the cost is affected by competition on the market. And taxes - only "one", but not the most important criterion pricing, experts note.
Sergey Matusiak - magazine Autocentre

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