In Crimea change tourist authorities

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On the last day of the exhibition «Crimea. Resorts. Tourism. 2014», which was held last week in Yalta, Alexander Lie informed that no longer holds the post of Minister of tourism of the ARC. Acting was his Deputy Nikolai Marinov.

Alexander Lie freed Ministerial seat on February 27. On this day the Supreme Council Crimea has decided to send in resignation of the whole government of the region. As reported by Crimean news Agency, the reason for the resignation of the Council of Ministers was their unsatisfactory activity. The new Prime Minister of the ARC was the leader of «Russian unity» Sergey Aksenov.

On his page on Facebook, Alexander Lie explained that now the duties of the Minister of tourism of the ARC, performing the first Deputy Nikolay Marinov. The new Minister must be appointed by the Supreme Council. Term of appointment of the government are not yet known, however the Parliament scheduled the referendum on the extension of the powers of the autonomy on 25 may.

Previously Alexander Lie spoke of the readiness, if so decided to transfer his chair successor. «It is to upload, and don't quit. Staff of the Ministry, together with the tourist industry has developed a coherent development program, which we discussed in Facebook (and not only) with the General public. In the logic solutions maximally into account the world experience and global tourism trends. Much work for three years already done, more is started. There are results. I hope that the course of the Crimean tourism industry on the diversification and expansion of the scope of the tourist season will be saved, that updated the Ministry will be sufficient powers of the significant developments. I hope that the Crimean sanatorium complex will remain a priority, and the Republic will be able to rely on the Central government, not in words but in deeds,» he wrote in Facebook.

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