In February visit «Khan Palace» will be available

Населенный пункт: 
Ханський палац у Бахчисараї

Bakhchisaray historical and cultural reserve conducts an annual cultural and educational action «HISTORY». Throughout February 2014 attend exhibitions and expositions Palace and Park complex «the Khan's Palace» and the cave city of Chufut-Kale at more affordable prices. About it the news Agency QHA reported the head of Department of marketing and advertising Anton Herzen.

According to Anton Herzen, the cost of visiting of a complex «Khan's Palace»which consists of 16 sites, decreased by 50%. Thus, the cost of an adult ticket in February will be 30 UAH., whereas previously adults visited the Palace for 60 UAH. The cost of a «children's» ticket is 15 UAH.

Rates on a visit to the cave city of Chufut-Kale also decreased twice: 25 UAH for adults and 15 UAH for children.

Admire the sights can be in any day except Tuesday, Wednesday.

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