"Kaleidoscope of the wonders of Crimea" will make a special tour

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The winners of the contest «Kaleidoscope of the wonders of the Crimea» will be included in a special tour, which will be sold through travel agencies of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Baltic countries and the European Union. Competition is spent by  Ministry of resorts and tourism of Crimea. Its results will be summed during the XXIII International fair «Crimea. Resorts. Tourism. 2014», which will be held from 25 to 27 February in Yalta. «Because sights of Crimea are very diverse, and it is very difficult to compare, for example, the legacy of the Romanov dynasty with some objects created by nature, we decided to choose the wonders of the need to conduct several categories.
As a result, we will choose the seven natural wonders, seven historical and cultural wonders and seven modern wonders of the Crimea», - the Minister of resorts and tourism of Crimea Alexander Lie at the meeting on preparation and holding of the fair. Currently there is collection of bids for participation in the competition. «Regional and municipal authorities as well as private entrepreneurs working in the sphere of tourism, will have the opportunity to present their products to foreign buyers. I think that there is sense now посуетиться on this occasion and to hasten filing of applications for the competition», - concluded A. Lie.


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