In Kiev brought the main tree of the country

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26-foot fir arrived from Carpathians
Today, December 5, at St. Sophia square in Kiev arrived the main tree of the country. The current 26-foot silver fir was brought from the Carpathians, the road continued for almost 12 hours, according to the press service of the KSCA.
According to the report, the official opening of the Christmas celebration will be held on December 19. During the holidays residents and guests of the capital will have 16 thematic 16 days and gala concerts.
During the event was presented the project "Tree 2015. The second life". 36 slices last year's Christmas tree, decorated Ukrainian painters and decorators, from December 7, will be exhibited in the Museum of history of Kyiv, 18 December at 17:00 the Museum will be held a charity auction. The main part of received funds will be spent on gifts and assistance to children, in addition, the organizers intend to send a portion for the purchase of seedlings for the forest, where grew the tree.
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