In Kiev will take place the festival of retro cars

Населенный пункт: 
April 24-26 at the State aviation Museum will host the second international festival of vintage cars "Retroactively".
Already registered 237 car classes in retro and classic. Participants arrive from all corners of Ukraine, Germany, France, Poland, Czech Republic and other neighboring countries.
Municipal enterprise "Kyivpastrans" organizes three additional bus from the Sevastopol area in the State aviation Museum. Also always runs bus # 220 (m-pH Kharkov State aviation Museum), informs news.е
The programme will hold an open voting for the best car of the show (the audience award) and to evaluate the authenticity of the submitted cars, trucks and buses, the presentation of autocracy, parade of vintage cars, the Congress of automotive fan clubs, open season, take the exit for bikers with the presentation of motor vehicles, Congress scooters and exposition collectible car models, open competition series "Best mechanic of Ukraine", master classes in camouflage car polymer paint, "the Best airbrush show, will be held extreme party ""FreeGen", a children's slalom on electric cars and shooting competition. Ukrainian musical groups, in particular, the group "Sable" (the performer of the song "Ukrainian Brothers") will be special guests of the festival.

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