In the new zoo near Kiev built a castle Disney

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Near Kiev in the village Demidov will open in may private zoo with the legendary Neuschwanstein castle, like in the cartoons of Walt Disney, mini cow and a hundred other species of large animals, which you will not see in the normal menageries.
"From large animals in the zoo, you will see a Bengal tiger, white lion, Cheetah, Cougar, Jaguar, Caracal, as well as elephant and Rhino. Also we will dwell Zebra, striped hyenas, African gienovyh dogs, black and white canadian Arctic wolves, giraffes, various monkeys and a whole alley with owls," says marketing Director of the zoo Nina Saad.
In the zoo you can see the first inhabitants: white Arctic wolf named Vilc, Kamchatka bears Toba and Kuby, camel Lesha and Mar.
In the new zoo is the lake sturgeon, which you can catch when they grow up. Also here is an orchard, catalona and birch groves.
For moms with kids provided a room where you can dress and feed the child, a children's petting zoo, which will be settled dwarf pigs, cows, ponies.
Many of the local inhabitants, visitors can hand feed or through a special feeder. Food can be taken from the cart, which will be located near the enclosures in hours when the animals eat.
"The kitchen will prepare meals for the lions, is located behind the transparent glass so that visitors can see the cooking process. And the elephant and the monkey visitors can feed bananas," said marketing Director.
Now at the zoo renovation in the restaurant in the form of a Bavarian castle Neuschwanstein. He catches the eye even at the entrance, as is familiar to many in the Intro from Disney cartoons.
Pictures in the school promise on average purse, and the entrance to the zoo will be UAH 150 per adult, 50 - for preschooler and free - for child up to three years.

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