Pysanky festival at St. Sophia: "cuddles" the egg and the eye

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Sophia square started the VI all-Ukrainian festival of Easter eggs that will last until May 9. This year the square is decorated with 374 giant Easter eggs, painted by the artists from all over Ukraine. Here can be seen the ornaments, and unusual paintings with cats, a baby, a huge "all-seeing" eye, and even the Easter egg with the arms, which offers all the hugging.

"According to the vote of the jury in the competition "374 artists" took first place Pysanka Easter cake, ornament and Trident — artist of the Luhansk region. Also will be voting on the square — visitors of the festival will choose the best works and Internet voting. All the winners we will award a month", — said the organizer of Folk Ukrainе Igor dobrucki. In addition to Easter eggs-the giants, on the square you can see the 25 thousand traditional Easter eggs from all over Ukraine and 5 thousand from the districts of Kiev.

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