Results of tourist season: Domestic number of tourists has doubled, and the rest in Ukraine has risen

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In Ukraine, nearing the end of the holiday season that most people have excelled frugality, which resulted in increased domestic tourists.
“The main trend of the season-2015 — economy: the main component was the cost (in Ukraine it rose by 20-30%. — Ed.), under which selected conditions. Naturally, due to the annexation of Crimea and the rise in the dollar, tourists not rushed abroad, and at our resorts,” says the President of the Ukrainian Association of tour operators Igor Galubaja.
But this is not the only difference of the season, say experts.
“The season overall was a success for Ukraine: domestic tourists, if we talk about the seas, and on cultural tourism, increased by 50-70% compared with last year. On the coast people vacationing in Odessa and Zatoka, but a lot of people and was the Iron port, Skadovsk, Koblevo and Berdyansk. In this case, the flow of Ukrainian tourists abroad has decreased on average by 20-40% in the countries of Europe began to go less and less, but still visited resorts in Turkey. In the Crimea the same thread nearly go except to relatives. Growing popularity of adventure tourism, while not significant, but the camping, the mountains and river rafting are gaining popularity among the young people,” says the Director of the tourism development Centre of Ukraine Volodymyr Tsaruk.
Of the CITY. On the coast of the increasing number of tourists do not find it difficult to notice. “Clear the number of tourists possible to ascertain the end of the year, but judging by the number of guests on the streets of the city, the border of the annual flow we've moved: Odessa already received about 1 million tourists by the end of the year expected 1.5 million (in 2014 for the entire year was about 1 million),” he told us at the Department of culture and tourism of the Odessa city Council. “Every year, Kherson region receives about 2 million tourists, but this year the number is definitely increasing. Only at the beginning of July Kherson region was visited by more than 340 thousand vacationers, as in the same period of last year is 180 thousand people”, — is spoken in the CAA.
FORECAST. If the primary season is coming to an end, velvet's September just ahead. “The situation on the tourist traffic will be about the same, only that the prices in September, traditionally will go down, possibly flows in foreign resorts will increase, although the Black sea coast will continue to receive tourists,” — said the President of the Ukrainian Association of tour operators, Galubaja I. A.
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