Russia intends to allocate about $6 billion on the construction of the bridge in Crimea

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On the construction of the bridge from Kerch in the Crimea within five years can be allocated 200 billion roubles ($5,58 billion at the rate of the ECB) from the Federal budget of Russia. It is reported by with reference to the draft concept of the Federal target program "Socio-economic development of the Crimean Federal district till 2020".
It is planned that the state company "Avtodor" will receive the money from 2015 to 2019. In 2015 and 2016 - 30 billion (to$0.84 billion)in 2017 - 20 billion rubles ($0,56 billion), and in the last two years - by 60 billion roubles ($1,67 billion). Regional and extra-budget investments in the construction of the Kerch passage, the draft concept does not.
"Given the pronounced the specifics of the Crimea in the first stage, the main burden of investments falls on the Federal budget", - the document says.
In the whole transport system of the Crimea in the coming years it is planned to invest about 400 billion rubles ($11,16 billion). Total amount of investments in development of the new Russian region, optimistic variant of realization of the Federal program is 978 billion rubles ($27.3 billion), including from the Federal budget - 926,8 billion rubles ($25,87 billion).
For comparison: in 2013 on roads throughout Russia spent $ 650 billion rubles ($18,14 billion).
In the beginning of March 2014, when the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has launched the construction of the bridge across the Kerch Strait, the project cost was estimated at 24 billion roubles ($0,67 billion) (as of 2010). By mid April, the estimated cost of works on estimation of Ministry of economic development, increased to 155 billion ($4.33 billion).
Also on 28 March it became known that the tender for designing of the bridge in the Crimea won company Arkady Rotenberg JSC "Giprotransmost". The total cost of works on design amounted to 375 million rubles ($of 10.47 billion).

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