The story of the weekend: what awaits the castle of Richard the Lionheart

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The most famous and mysterious house of Kiev - Richard castle on Andreevsky descent, 15. Standing on such a tasty place, he mysteriously empty for decades. By the way, this old illegal immigrant, illegally built exactly 110 years ago without any permission, and even at styrennye project.
WHO IS RICHARD. Named the castle with the light hand of the writer Victor Nekrasov: "I know this house from childhood. It was called we the Castle of Richard the Lionheart. Yellow Kyiv brick, seven-story, "Gothic", with a corner pointed tower. If you enter a low, oppressive yard arch (in Kiev is called the gateway), you get into a close stone yard, from which we, children, were breathtaking. The middle ages... Arches, vaults, retaining walls, stone staircases, passages, walkways, huge balconies, battlements on the walls... Not enough guards, put in a corner halberds and pouting on a barrel in the bone...". Historians believe that the Castle of Richard the writer called the house not only because he looks like an English castle. There really Richard lived. 75-year-old pole Richard M. jurewicz was "nursing her grandfather, alone" - on his shoulders rested the custody of five grandchildren. Met him Nekrasov in 1966. Richard lived in the house during the First world war, knew many languages, was owned by cold steel, was a great Joker and a Joker.
THEFT AND WITCHES. Appeared Domina in 1905 for money industrialist Dmitry Orlov and sugar manufacturer nobleman Ignatius Wieniawskiego, who owned various estates in Ukraine. Eagles bought the site from the manufacturer the iconostases Malenko. But construction began with the theft. Why the architect is unknown? Yes in St. Petersburg wanted to build such a beautiful building designed by the academician Robert marfeld. According to one, the customer pulled the blueprints, and they soon surfaced in Kiev. Other - home project for employees of the Ministry of internal Affairs of St. Petersburg was published in building magazine, and nicked his quirky Kiev Builder. In General, once something has not worked...
During construction there was a fire. Kiev residents immediately began to whisper that build on the damn place, where the assembled witches. Supposedly, the local Bald mountain is clearly naughty, Hotties rebelled against the building, and even, as it turned out, illegal. See, in the old days with unauthorized constructions even witches fought! Conscious what!
The owner of the land however, the plans did not refuse. He opened there the apartment house, rented the apartment for rent. They say that eagles stingily was calculated with the builders, and those he retaliated. Immured in the walls of the cones and trash, which began to emit squeaks and howls, allegedly scaring away guests. According to other sources, the accommodations are excellent surrendered, and as a tiny, 10-room. In the basement there was a fridge-glacier, equipped also the sewage system and Central heating. In the annexe opened a butcher and grocers with the loud name "St. Andrew's market", as well as a hairdresser. It is in the Castle of Richard was the first meeting of the editorial Board of the satirical magazine "Hornet", published in 1906. It has worked Ivan Nechui-Levitsky and Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky. Lived in the Castle author of the first Ukrainian textbook "Drawing and painting", the artist Photios Krasicki, grandnephew of Shevchenko. His cheerful paintings and portraits of famous personalities exhibited in our museums. And in the Museum of One Street, you can see his illustrations of the "Hornet".
After 6 years Orlov was shot in the far East - where he also led the construction. The widow, left with 5 children, the house was sold that had saved her from ruin. It changed owners. And the rumor continued that, say, the building is cursed and must be posted on the bricks. But then came the revolution. New masters of life was nationalized by the castle, taking the last owner, Prince Urusov. People announced that demons do not exist, and therefore to disassemble fit the house nothing.
The haunted house was given to the Moscow artists. One of them, Fedor Balavensky, even created analogues of chimeras Paris Notre Dame and put them on the terraces and a spiral staircase. However, these mystical creatures are preserved. She was taken to Germany in 1942 German troops. After the war there were communal. In 1983 all got evicted. Already Union collapsed, and many years of independence have passed and the house so no one and did not let in your walls...
To get into the castle for 30 years is unrealistic. It is private property, security will not let. But a few of Kyivans still visited here last fall.
DEVASTATION. "We went into the composition of the parliamentary Commission of the Kyiv city Council. Representatives of the owner showed us everything. The house is in terrible condition: cracks in the walls, in the apartments of the mountain of bricks. To get inside, had to climb on the chair - the entrance to the shoulder height of an adult male", - told the "Today" public activist Tatyana Shevchuk.
In the castle once inhabited by her friends. "It was a beautiful apartment building, which had the wonderful local area. It was possible to make a movie, like in a real castle, but I want to make a private hotel complex. The owner of the building is American. There are people in the ministries who are lobbying for this project. What happens to the house, terrible landslide in the hill Packed piles that threatened to sneak into the abyss and Richard's castle, and St. Andrew's Church. The building, which since the 80-ies stands for reconstruction of destroyed. Supporting plate on the floor is not connected, window and door openings are broken. But this is a monument of architecture of national importance!" - continues Shevchuk. Of course, it is cheaper to demolish the old building and build new than to retrofit... owners Are waiting for a unique object collapses?
It was rumored that the castle was at one time worked for a small sawmill. "When we went through it, except for the security guard and a big red dog didn't see anyone. It is still home to hundreds of pigeons. They puked all over the attic" - told us one of the deputies of Kyiv city Council.
According to Tatyana Shevchuk, in the courtyard - three-tier territory. At first it was like in the castle. There were galleries in the middle Ages. On the second level terrace. "She's in the 70-80-ies became the meeting place of the inhabitants of the castle of Richard. They put the tables and people were celebrating birthdays, weddings, as in Odessa. From the terrace led ladder above, there was an orchard with beautiful views of the Hem. Just above there was another ladder on it in the winter to the upper floors people climbed, slipping and falling. Communal castle there were several entrances: with Andrew and across the courtyard, through the gallery. The apartments were beautiful and big.
POWER. The city Council says that to decide the fate of the handsome house of the owner. Deputy head of KGGA on construction Pavel Ryabikin told "Today" that the owner with the city power is not advised: "the Castle is private property, we can control only the safety of the monument".
The deputies of Kyiv city Council in the near future I plan to re-inspect the building. "We have a duty to monitor the condition of the monuments. I think we will consider the situation with the castle on one of the next meetings of the Commission of the Kyiv city Council. While we have no information about what they want to access the hotel. As for me, it is not really needed on Andreevsky descent," says the head of the Commission of the Kyiv city Council on culture Vladimir Bondarenko.


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