In the heart of Ishmael, a massive explosion

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About 15:45 January 11, Avenue Suvorov in Ishmael was a powerful explosion.
As the correspondent of the TIMER with the event, the explosion occurred in the cafe "At the fountain" located near the Holy protection Cathedral - between "Pobeda" cinema and school # 2.
After the explosion in the building erupted in a strong fire.
On site there are firefighters and ambulance crews.
The most likely cause of the explosion, firefighters believe a faulty gas cylinder in the kitchen of the establishment. The explosion injured 15 people, three of them with burns over 50% of the surface of the body taken to the intensive care unit, about 10 people received injuries of lesser severity, and an unknown number escaped with minor injuries and stress. According to witnesses, was hardest hit employees establishments that were in the kitchen at the moment of explosion.
According to arrived on the scene of the police, the explosion will open criminal proceedings, and the administration of the institution, may have to be held responsible for improper handling of gas equipment.
The owner of cafe "At the fountain" is Izmail businessman Oleg Doychev, which owns several establishments in the city. Itself café is a local landmark (built in 1906) and has recently been completely renovated.


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