Near Odessa opened the first in the field memory a monument to the egg

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First in the field memory a monument to the egg - Easter egg ornamentali - opened today in the Central street of the district Kominternovskoe, near Odessa.
The author of the sculpture - known master Kirill Maksimenko, had previously created the track "the hand of Steve jobs" on Novoselskaya street in Odessa and other pieces of scrap metal.
According to Maksimenko, Kominternovskiy Pysanka comes from the usual mounting washers.
"There are about two thousand, - said the sculptor. - Because the order was urgent, had to buy, although I usually find the items during trips around the city and the surrounding area".
Pysanka comes from the usual mounting washers
An Easter egg is not the first nor the last art object Maksimenko, established in kominternovskoe. In February on the main street opened his own composition "Heart of love". And in Traun, says the sculptor, there will be a "Chairman Jacqueline Rock" - a monument to the memory of the last lover of the great Picasso.
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